You can contact spirits of ancient Egyptian gods today, with their own spirit box! Especially designed with their symbols and EVP frequencies. And equipped with advanced technology, allowing you to communicate with them instantly.The spirit box contains 10 audio banks, ancient Egyptian gods EVP frequency generator that you can use with the spirit box or the built-in audio recorder. Plus EVP energy sensors to detect any possible paranormal contact, then uses this data to pick the best scan speed rate with the spirit box when its activated. How to use it?Start by asking your question then click on the Ankh button for possible answers. Change the scan speed rate of the spirit box manually, by clicking the ( - , + ) buttons. You can use the audio recorder to record your session for further detailed analysis. All saved files can be found in "Egyptian Gods Spirit Box" file in your smartphones storage.Optional : Before starting your session, we suggest that you use headphones to listen to/meditate on the EVP frequency of the Egyptian gods. This will help you connect with them spiritually before you start communicating with them by using the spirit box.If you noticed unusual activity and wish to record EVP without the spirit box. Its recommended that you use the EVP frequency generator with the audio recorder.This spirit box was designed for ancient Egyptian spirits. Gods, pharaohs, kings and queens etc But you can use it to contact and communicate with any similar spirits in any culture. We support our work and will keep updating our software, to make sure that you always get the best paranormal tools available. Feel free to contact us anytime for any help, and we will do our best as soon as we can.